As a UX designer in my project, I was asked to characterize and design a user experience for the website of an academic digital library.
I fulfilled the first step in the process by identifying with the users. I achieved this by gaining a deep and exciting understanding of user (student) needs when I mastered library systems as a graduate student. I then moved on to the next step in the process, where I sent out a survey with 10 key questions to the students. In this survey I asked about their daily difficulties in accessing the library and what could help them enter and enjoy their time inside the system in an efficient way.


  • Research
  • UX/UI Design


  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Canvas

Preliminary research

At the beginning of this research in user experience and what the exact audience is and what their needs are in the online academic library. User survey data is used to identify areas where the operating system can be improved and to promote the operating system in the most empathetic way possible.
The study points to the importance of improving the user experience in the online library with empathy for the target audience. The research questions include how to improve the user experience, exercise empathy for users, and improve management management.
Users of the methodology, use of survey data and UX-based interviews help in understanding the challenges and proposals for a thorough upgrade.
From the research, it will be possible to identify the parameters that influence the use and behavior of the users of the online library and bring about upgrades.


  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Canvas

Pain points & challenges of your users

  1. Poor User Experience: A suboptimal user experience where students and lecturers may find it challenging to use the website efficiently, discouraging their engagement.
  2. Inactivity: Professors may not use or support the website because they do not perceive its benefits, leading to their reluctance to access and utilize it for their and students' benefit.
  3. Lack of Adoption: Students may not see immediate advantages or improvements in their learning experience through the website, hence not feeling motivated to use it.
  4. Lack of Understanding: Students and professors may not fully comprehend the system's potential or how to use it, leading to a sense of being overwhelmed when dealing with the website.

Research results

Based on my research, I've discovered that the challenges faced by both the audience (students and professors) are mutual. It begins with the professor's desire to broaden the students' horizons, but sometimes students become overwhelmed within the academic library system. Consequently, the active participation of professors within the library is fundamental and plays a crucial role in assisting the students.

Target Audience

Persona 1

Persona 2

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