In part of an exercise that I was asked to do in my studies, I was asked to initiate and create an application based on the needs of my environment. After testing, I decided to create an application that gives gardeners in the field a template to optimize their setup on a daily basis with customers. The inspiration for this application was created from extensive research, which originated from my concern for my friends who work as gardeners. Observing how they often had to fulfill the role of administrative assistants during their working day, it became clear to me that there was a need for an application that could facilitate more effective communication between the gardener (service provider) and their clients, and ultimately improve the professionalism of the relationship.


  • Research
  • UX/UI Design


  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Canvas

Preliminary research

This study aims to understand the unique challenges that gardeners face in the context of managing clients and diaries in their daily work. The findings highlight the need for technological upgrades, particularly in the use of digital tools, to help gardeners improve their efficiency and effectively address the challenges they encounter. Concerns about embracing new technology and potential disruptions to their current workflow are prevalent among some gardeners. The research underscores the necessity for digital solutions tailored to the specific needs of gardeners, which can assist them in efficiently managing their work challenges.


  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Canvas

Pain points & challenges of your users

Challenges stemming from the gardener's
disorganization, payment issues, and limited availability:
Aiming to enhance the overall customer experience.
Confronted with genuine challenges in recruiting new employees.
The difficulty in reversing gardeners for years accustomed to working with large paper logs to work using a mobile device that strengthens their business.


Addressing the pain points of gardeners accustomed to a traditional work platform involves convincing them to transition to a digital work platform while also optimizing the collection of funds.

Target Audience

Persona 1

Persona 2

User flow

Site Map



Useability Testing


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